Terminology work and dissemination in Italy

Terminology work and dissemination in Italy

Are you interested to know what your Italian colleagues are working on right now? Are you eager to learn more about terminology work and terminology dissemination in Italy? If you can read Italian, there is a new publication that will answer your questions. Eurac Research has just published the book Risorse e strumenti per l’elaborazione e la diffusione della terminologia in Italia (Resources and tools for terminology work and terminology dissemination in Italy), edited by Elena Chiocchetti and Natascia Ralli.

The publication is available online under: https://www.eurac.edu/doi/10-57749-wtfr-y339. It collects contributions from all over Italy and focuses on examples of successful cooperation in terminology, for example, between public or private stakeholders and academia, between terminologists and tool developers, between terminologists and end-users. The book gives an overview of the many practical issues that terminology projects aim to address and of  the different theoretical backgrounds that help achieve the envisaged goals through interdisciplinary and collaborative work.